Surprising Facts About Dental Veneers

Surprising Facts About Dental Veneers

If you don’t like the appearance of your smile and you are willing to smile with your open mouth and show your teeth, but you can’t, stop being worried. With years of experience and expertise, dental specialists can solve any dental issue you are suffering from and gift you a sparkling smile. According to countless satisfied patients, dental veneers are one of the most successful dental cosmetic procedures to cover chipped, broken, discolored or significantly worn teeth. Besides, as an expert performing dental veneer in Vancouver explains, if your teeth are too small or awkwardly positioned, veneer treatment is probably the best solution for you. Suppose you are volunteering to get dental veneers. In that case, you need useful information to be familiar with this method completely, so read this article to learn anything you need before installing a dental veneer.

What Is a Dental Veneer?

Dental veneer refers to the thin pieces of durable, custom-made, tooth-shaped porcelain prepared at an experienced dental laboratory. They are used to bond to your teeth, especially those in the front, to cover your dental issues and bring an attractive smile. Nowadays, dentists are trained extensively to offer different types of dental veneers depending on your need, the kind of look you want, and your budget.

Different Types of Dental Veneers  

There are several kinds of dental veneers available, and deciding the unique material that can be practical for you, depends on the problems you want to repair. In this article, we are introducing the two most common types.

-Porcelain Veneer: If you are looking for the least harmful material for dental restoration, porcelain is the right choice. High strength and durability are two essential benefits of this dental procedure. Although porcelain veneers are the most expensive type, they are biocompatible and rarely injure gum tissues in the mouth.

Composite veneer: Composite veneer is the second type of veneer made of composite resin. Although they are less expensive than porcelain veneers, they are not as durable as porcelain types. This type of veneer is very convenient and can be installed in a single procedure.

Composite veneers are capable of blending with your natural teeth’ color. Nevertheless, they are not stained-resistant and may get discolored over time.


The Instruction to Take Care of Dental Veneers 

As we mentioned above, dental veneers are extremely strong, but they require gentle care after they are placed, and if proper care is not taken, they are likely prone to damage. You should avoid hard, tough, and chewy food and excessive sugar consumption and avoid drinking heavily colored beverages such as red wine and coffee. Individuals need to follow cosmetic dentists’ recommendations, including daily oral hygiene, regular check-ups, and cutting down bad habits like nail-biting and smoking. Make sure your dentist is aware if you grind teeth because it can hurt your veneers and your natural teeth, so your dentist may recommend you wear a bite-guard to minimize the stress placed on your teeth, especially while you sleep. If you take good care of your dental veneers, their durability may increase to more than ten years.