Is Tonsillectomy the Only Option for Recurrent Tonsil Infection?

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Tonsillitis is the inflammation of tonsils-the glands located at the backside of your throat. These glands are a reservoir for white blood cells and help in fighting against infections. But sometimes, they too get infected with a bacteria or virus. For children or sometimes adults who have a complaint of recurrent tonsil infection, doctors often advise them to get their tonsil glands removed. It is because repeated infections may harm their health. If you have a complaint of pain in the throat with fever, you must visit an ENT specialist in Islamabad. For repeated complaints of tonsilitis, the health care provider will prescribe you antibiotics. If it reoccurs often, then tonsillectomy is the only option for a recurrent tonsil infection.

Symptoms of Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can become painful at times. It may show the following signs and symptoms.

  • Fever
  • Trouble in swallowing
  • Swollen tonsil glands
  • Change in voice
  • White or yellow deposits of pus in the throat
  • Enlarged lymph nodes of the throat
  • Bad breath

What is a Tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of tonsils-two glands located at the back of the throat. If you have a complaint of repeated tonsillitis, your healthcare provider may give you antibiotics to treat them. If the infection does not get better, then they may advise you to get a tonsillectomy. It is because repeated infections can harm your body. Whereas after surgery, there will be no infections of the tonsils. Tonsillitis is contagious. It can spread from one person to another, but some people are more prone to it. Mostly, children are at high risk.

Preparing for Tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy is a small surgical procedure. But before that, you may need to stop some medications like aspirin, naproxen, and other anti-inflammatory medicines. It is because they can increase the risk of bleeding. Moreover, before the surgery, inform your healthcare provider about all the medicines you are taking and the health conditions you have.

Before surgery, you need to stop food and liquid intake before 12 hours at least. It is because anesthesia may make you nauseous and cause vomiting if food or liquid is present in the stomach.

Make sure you have an attendant with you at the hospital and home for at least a week because you may someone’s help to drive you back home. Also, you will need to take a break from the office or work for the recovery period.

Tonsillectomy Procedure

There are various procedures for removing the tonsil glands. Some of them are as follows.

Cold knife (steel) dissection-it is a procedure in which tonsils are removed through the scalpel. To stop bleeding electrocautery is used.

Cauterization-it is a procedure for tonsillectomy in which the glands are removed by burning them.

Sometimes the doctor may use ultrasonic waves to destroy tonsils glands.

You do not need to worry about pain. No matter what procedure for tonsillectomy your healthcare provider chooses, you will not feel any pain. When you will recover, you will be in a recovery room. During recovery, the healthcare providers will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation.


Tonsillectomy is a procedure in which both tonsil glands are removed through surgery. Your healthcare provider may ask to get your tonsil glands removed if you are suffering from recurrent tonsil infections. If you have more than seven episodes of tonsillitis in a year, you may need to get a tonsillectomy. For getting expert advice, you must visit an ENT specialist in Lahore.