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Chlamydia Test – When to Perform Chlamydia Test

Chlamydia Test – When to Perform Chlamydia Test

Chlamydia testing is not a very difficult process as long as you follow instructions carefully. You can purchase a kit from the local pharmacy that will allow for quick self-diagnosis by providing a sample of bodily fluid. Chlamydia testing kits are available at health food stores, pharmacy shops, and many discount health outlets. Many people choose to self-diagnose because it is private, confidential, and quick.

Many people assume they will be tested for gonorrhea or Chlamydia when getting tested for any other sexually transmitted disease. This is simply not true. A chlamydia test is usually not done until you have had a Pap smear, which is not considered a sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, if you think you may have a sexually transmitted disease, it is important to visit your doctor and get tested immediately.

Once you have chosen to get tested, you will need to find a medical healthcare provider. It is okay to use your partner’s primary healthcare provider. However, it is recommended that you seek out another medical professional for your medical history. Your healthcare provider will collect a sample of bodily fluid from you through a swab.

Your healthcare provider will then use a microscope to see if the sample has a visible sample of the chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. If the swab comes back with a visible sample, then you will be confirmed as positive. The presence of the bacteria in your body does not necessarily mean you will get Chlamydia, but it will help in determining if you do not. A negative result on a chlamydia test means that you do not have the infection. It also means that your current treatment does not contain the bacteria that causes Chlamydia.

There are certain symptoms associated with this infection that is highly possible to occur after getting tested for Chlamydia. If you experience soreness and redness in your genital area, and if you have an active infection with Chlamydia, you should have a follow up appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible. You should be able to tell your physician what symptoms you have experienced. Chlamydia symptoms are similar to those experienced by pregnant women. However, in pregnant women, the most common symptom is vaginal discharge.


To perform Chlamydia testing, you will need to provide a sample of bodily fluid. This can be obtained by using a private swab, or it can be collected from the area where the infection was detected. If your specimen is taken from the vaginal area, then your medical care provider will swab the sample in the lab. A laboratory analyzer will analyze the sample to determine if you have Chlamydia. You will be given a prescription for an over-the-counter treatment, or may receive a treatment in the form of a cream or a gel. You will have to return to the doctor within a few months to get a final diagnosis. Chlamydia STD Test at home available.

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