Addiction Is A Cycle

Addiction Is A Cycle

The Cycle of Addiction

It’s a cycle that repeats itself of behaviours and actions that drug and alcohol users face. According to the NHS in 2015/2016, 2.7 million brits from age 16 to 59 have used drugs in the past year. It’s important to break the addiction cycle before mental and psychological effects take over your life. It may be months, years or decades where you finally reach the place where you want to stop and begin to recover from addiction. You may understand how the cycle works but it will not be enough to stop it without help. The cycle begins with feeling frustrated and the internal strife and pain that leads to anxiety for a desperation for the pain to cease. You begin to think of what can possibly be used to stop this torturous pain – coming to your addiction. You start to think about how after using your life will be so much better.

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The Downwards Spiral

After being under the influence of drugs and alcohol for a little while, you being to lose control over behaviours. You feel remorseful, guilty and ashamed of your behaviour- feeling dissatisfied with yourself. Following on from the negative consequences, the cycle ends when you may a promise to cease the behaviour once and for all. However the fact of the matter is that without detox and addiction treatment.

Break the Chain

In order to prevent to cycle from restarting from the beginning all over again you need to think more often of your successes in recovery than failures. You also should speak with you addiction counsellor about your triggered and other issues which could be causing this cycle of addiction. It’s really important that you remove yourself from the people and places that you spend time with and in. This will stop you from getting too tempted. Maintaining the new lifestyle along with following the proper recovery programme will break the cycle and set you free.

It’s important to remember that like any habit cycle it will take time and effort in order to change a habit, just like anything, in order to change something you need time and pressure. For this reason many people choose to attend drug rehab or alcohol rehab in order to have a professional and well-honed treatment plan.